Monday, December 17, 2012

No more fatigued eyes?

Contrary to what people believe, I have really bad dark circles and puffy eyes nine times out of ten- I'm just really good with cover up!  I was at the store a little while ago and came upon this- the Aveeno Active Naturals Smart Essentials anti fatigue eye treatment.  It costs $10 for an 8mL rollerball, and you can get it at any drugstore or superstore, like Walmart.  It's really easy to apply because it is a rollerball, you just swipe it under your eyes where your dark circles are, no muss no fuss.  I've finally noticed after about a month that my dark circles have lightened from the use of this, and they puffiness has been reduced but not as much as I would have hoped.  I don't think I will be buying this product again.

What do you use to help alleviate dark circles under your eyes? XOXO


  1. Cold Spoons and/or chamomile or green tea bags!

    1. I've heard that but haven't tried it! Thanks for letting me know of the cold spoons, I'd never heard that one before.

  2. Hey, new follower from the GFC blog hop. I have been wondering about a product like this. I knew they existed but just never really tried any, I think I may have to try this! :)


    1. I'm so glad to be of help! Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. I might have to try this. Do you notice a difference in the circles themselves when you don't have make-up on?

    1. Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't. A lot of it seems to depend on the lighting where I am.


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