Saturday, February 2, 2013

Life Update!

Hi guys! I know I've been MIA for the past couple of weeks, but we open Shakespeare's The Tempest this week so I'll soon have a bit more time to post. I will also be working on the next show, which is Theresa Rebeck's Mauritius for which I am the sound designer.
The Tempest takes place after Alonso, the king, ship gets wrecked due to meddling by Prospero and his servant spirit Ariel. They all come to be on this island together, as a revenge from Prospero.  It's brilliantly done, the director is making it a grunge image- with jeans and hard hats, 'food' made out of plastic bottles, a staff covered in Caution tape, and a corset made out of soda can pull tabs.
It has been an amazing journey getting the chance to Assistant Stage Manage (ASM) on this show, here's a peek at what my afternoons look like and what keeps me going.
 A small look at what my script looks like- brightly colored tabs everywhere, sticky notes warning me about loud sudden noises, and notes in the margins that no one besides me can understand. Oh, and that sheet music? There are songs in this show, and we had a composer create the music and notes to go along with the words written in the script.  It's almost like a mini-musical! I do line notes, costume fittings, and lock up the whole building. That is my job after each rehearsal, I initially was doing the call but I kept doing it wrong so the Stage Manager gave me keys and told me to go lock everything and turn off lights- haha.
And this is what has kept me going.  When I've been on my last leg for 48 hours, this gives me my umpteenth wind to keep going until I can get home and do homework and finally get to bed.
How have your days been, my lovelies? XOXO


  1. Hi Emma! Thanks for visiting my blog : This Southern Girl's Life. I am your newest follower.

    I did makeup and some acting in college plays. Its a lot of work but so much fun. Break a leg!


  2. Gotta love Dr. Pepper! Yay for The Tempest. I remember studying that in 8th grade. =0)
    I'm a new GFC follower from Meet & Greet hop. Thanks for linking up with us. I can't wait to read more of your blog (and maybe find some new makeup to try myself!).

    1. Thanks so much! I hope what I post is of use to you, and if you have anything you'd like to see please let me know!

  3. Sounds like you've been pretty busy. A new follower from the Meet and Greet Blog Hop. Thanks for joining us.

    Anne Marie


Thank you for taking the time to comment and read my posts, it really does mean the world to me! I read each and everyone of your comments and try my best to reply to each one individually. Have a great day!