Monday, December 23, 2013

2014 Spending Ban

Okay, okay, I know that new years eve and day are still a ways away but I've already started thinking about one resolution I'm going to try really hard to keep.  Enter, the spending ban on anything but non-essentials in the makeup and beauty department.  By non-essentials I mean if I run out of shampoo (unlikely) or deoderent (unlikely because I have tons).  I have so many beauty products and hair products that are half used that have gone to the way side that I would like to get back to.  This spending ban will start officially on the week of January 13 and go until the 22nd of March.  Why those specific dates? A) easier to keep track of (B) That is when I start school, which is when I impulse buy most products, and the end is the start of my spring break for which I shall be headed towards the Big Apple.  I've been saving and saving for this trip and I want to make sure it's memorable, definitely by stopping in MAC and Sephora in Times Square.  This isn't going to be easy because I LOVE trying new products and no matter how hard I try, I always wind up leaving the store with one new beauty product (or four).
What about you, dear readers, will you be doing a spending ban? XOXO

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