Saturday, March 23, 2013

An audition look!

Hi guys, you're probably aware of this by now but I'm a theatre major with an emphasis in performance.  This means auditions all the time, and how you look is one of the biggest factors in the real world of whether you will be considered for something.  This is the look I did for 'Legally Blonde: The Musical' auditions, keep in mind I had to take the picture after auditions which involved a dance call so it doesn't look as fantastic as it had that morning.  
 For my foundation, I used Rimmel Clean Finish poreless foundation in Ivory, and then used their Matte powder in the color that's one up from Translucent.  I then used my Stilla convertible lip/cheeck color in Petunia.  I think this blush is so easy to apply and gives such a nice, natural glow.  On my lips I used Revlon Kissable lip balm stain in Sweetheart which is a bright pink.
For my eyes, I used my ever trusty Sephora eyeshadow palette.  I stuck to browns and gold shimmers, since they're more neutral but give the eye still a bit of a pop.  I didn't use and harsh eyeliner, I only lined my water lines with Rimmel Scandaleyes eye liner in Nude.  I then used my Rimmel Scandaleyes Curve Alert mascara for a 'my eyelashes but better' look.  The with my lashes out a bit and gave them just the right amount of OOMPH.
This type of makeup would also be good for a job interview or a meeting because it is natural but you still look very much put together.
How do you do your makeup for important occasions for work? XOXO


  1. You look great! I think a natural look is a really good idea for an audition or job interview.
    Also, I've nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award! All the details are on my blog post.

    1. Thank you so much! :) I'll give it a check out :D


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