Saturday, October 3, 2015

Life Update!

Hello my beautiful Stars! I hope you all are doing well.  I know I've been gone for awhile but life got a bit hectic but I'm back now, if only sporadically (but that should only be for a month or so).  So, let's start with the big news...

 I was cast in a show!!! I was cast in the Lifehouse Theatre's production of the musical Miracle on 34th Street where I will be playing a shopper, caroler, and a member of the Salvation Army Quartet! I was so happy when I saw my name on the cast list, I started crying in my bed.  Then again, I do that every time I'm cast in a show because I'm always so thankful that I get overwhelmed and cry.
I am also working on a second show, but this time it's on the production side of things.  I am the sound designer, prop master, and makeup artist/designer for the show Lost in Yonkers by Neil Simon.  This show is at my former high school and the sound is going to be really fun and so is the props because they show is set in the forties.  It's a dark show, but it does have it's funny moments.
I will also be doing a Halloween show with the Zombie Players Association that I am a member of.  So to say that this month is going to be hectic is an understatement, but I am so beyond excited to start/keep going with all of these projects.  A lot of theatre makes me happy, it's where I feel at home, it's where I feel happy, it's where I feel safe oddly enough.  I say oddly enough, because performing or designing is a very vulnerable position to put yourself in.  Yet, with being vulnerable you are able to discover things about yourself that you may have never known before.  Plus, it's just lots of fun!
Another big thing that has happened is that I am now an Independent Mary Kay Consultant! I figured that since no establishment will hire me because, discriminatory hiring practices abound, I figured I would just hire myself.  It combines my love for makeup and beauty and making women feel good about themselves with the thing I really need, a job.  I'm still getting all set up and everything but if you need a Mary Kay consultant, I can be your gal!
Mr. Henry is doing good, he's getting better with me leaving and things like that and not destroying the home so that's a really huge plus.  He is loving going to rehearsal every Saturday.  He comes with us because we're gone from nine in the morning until about three in the afternoon and I feel bad leaving him home for that long when we can just bring him along.  The kids love having him around, he acts as a calming factor (and not just for me for once!)  He's a great dog and I'm so glad that he has come into my life... over a year ago.  
I hope you enjoyed this blog post, and I will be posting my Q&A with all of the questions from my giveaways tonight or tomorrow so keep your eyes peeled for that too!  How have you guys been? XOXO

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