Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Weekend Post #6: Pro and Con of Going to an all Women's College

I love my university, the theatre program is one of the top in the nation.  The school, however, is all women minus the few men we have in our theatre and dance program.  A pro of an all women's college is that I don't feel the need to wear make up and do my hair every day; a con is that I don't feel the need to wear make up and do my hair every day.
^Some days, I look like this ^
^But most days, I look like this^
Being in college, it's hard enough to get up on time but to get up early to make myself look like a presentable human being is just not going to happen on a daily basis.  That's the pro to this, it's mainly women so I really don't care which is a down fall as well.  Ehhh, if I'm comfortable in it that's all that counts, right? XOXO


  1. Nothing wrong with looking natural and comfortable. You are beautiful! thanks for visiting.


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