Monday, April 25, 2016

Life Update!

Hello my lovely readers, long time no write! How are you doing? Miss me yet? I know I've been gone but I'm back now.  Life got a little out of hand and this blog and my YouTube channel have definitely suffered for it, actually, all of my social media suffered from it.  If you're curious and want to check out my other social media outlets I will link all of them down below for you :) Anyway, so why have I been gone since practically December 2015? Firstly, I was in the musical version of "Miracle on 34th Street" at a community theater I found so once shows started and rehearsals ended it got to be hard to get home at 11PM and then shower and then blog or film, ya know? I know it's no excuse, but still.  Then I took on the task of designing the invitation for a party in June and also helping to organize it.  I was still dealing with my leg being stuck in a cast which I  had had on since October and didn't get off until the start of April.  Then the spring musical started at my former high school, which I am the Makeup Artist and Prop Master for and I started volunteering at my former elementary school with a kindergarten class.  Please don't get me wrong, I have loved every last minute of it (except the cast part) but it sadly left very little room for blogging, vlogging, and just plain old filming and editing.

Now the spring musical is over as of this past Sunday and the elementary school is getting ready to finish up, I have more free time to work on revamping my blog, YouTube channel, Instagrams, Twitter, and Facebook.  I will be fiddeling with my blog colors and layout and what not over the next few days, so don't be worried if you see it constantly changing before I reach one that I really love.  I am happy with the banners I have now on my social media, so those most likely will not change.

If you follow my makeup Instagram or if you found my planner Instagram, you'll know that I've fallen head over heels for planning and I LOVE being a part of the planning community.  I have two planners, one for Social Media and one for, well, everything else; I use an Erin Condren vertical and a Kikki.K Large (A5).  Yes I decorate and I have tons of stickers and washi tape and I film videos about it and it goes on the same channel as my beauty videos because it's Beauty and Lifestyle channel.  One question I always get asked is why do I plan, and it's pretty much the same answer I give for makeup, I love it, it makes me happy, and it keeps my creative juices flowing.

I have worked and worked and have finally got my picture and video quality to where I want it to be with a new camera, I hope you can see a difference!  Well, that's it I suppose, I'll see you very soon! XOXO
What have you been up to these past few months, I'd love to know!

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