Tuesday, January 19, 2016

IMATS Los Angeles 2016 Experience

Hello my lovely stars and welcome back to my blog!  This past Sunday, January 17, I was lucky enough to attend IMATS with my mom and we had a blast! (Even if it was a little more crowded than last year)  Keep reading to find out my thoughts on the event!

Last year I went on the final day of IMATS and this year I did the exact same thing.  The biggest and most obvious difference was the crowd, it was so much more crowded this year than last year.  After talking to a few people I found out that they had made and sold almost twice as many tickets as they had in previous years, making the crowds and lines longer.  Now, I don't mind waiting in a line for something I need or want, but when the line is out the showroom door and then out the convention center door? That's a little too much.  Because of that reason I did not see Morphe, Dose of Color, House of Lashes, or Naimes.  Not that I'm too heart broken about it because I am a Naimes Pro member and can get Dose at a discounted price anyway and Morphe is pretty reasonably priced anyway.  Yet, for people who aren't pro's at those big box stores, it's everything to get the discounts they are offering that day.  Not only that, there is a huge safety factor that goes into these lines and the extra large crowd.  If there had been an emergency say, a fire, then there not only would have been mass hysteria but people would have been trampled and severely injured.  So, IMATS, if you are for some reason reading this take the safety factor into consideration if not anything else.  Now that the negative is over, let's get onto the good shall we?
First, there are so many AMAZING artists there either giving talks, doing panels, at their own booths meeting people, and doing demonstrations.  As well, you have models walking around in full hair, makeup, and sometimes full body makeup that you can admire and take pictures with.  You can also learn of smaller companies that are absolutely amazing and have great products such as Wolfe FX and Pink Diamonds Cosmetics.  Never heard of them, have you? They are fantastic and in my haul, which will be going up tomorrow, I show you what I bought from Wolfe FX.

Did you attend IMATS this year? What day did you go and what is the most favorite thing you got? I hope you enjoyed this post! XOXO

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