This week I had the fortune to go to Universal Studios with one of my best friends- it's like my Disneyland. Anyway, at Universal City Walk there is a Lush Cosmetics store so OBVIOUSLY I had to stop in! One of the things I picked up was their Sunny Side Bubble Bar. I've never tried any of their bath bombs or bubble bars, so this was a new venture for me, and I was not disappointed. Here's what it looks like:
I've used it twice already because I cut bits of it off and put it in my bath. There's a lot of glitter on this bar and I didn't feel like having to clean glitter out of the tub. Anywho! This baby really bubbles up with just using a few chunks, so I can't even imagine how many bubbles there would be if I used the whole bar in one go! The smell is lovely, it's a citrusy smell- kinda like Soap and Glory. It makes the water a gold tint and really soft. I don't know if that makes any sense, soft water, but it does! It makes my skin feel really nice before I even put on my after bath oil to lock in moisture. This bar far surpassed my expectation of any bubble bar and once again I was not disappointed by Lush. If you can, order it online or go and pick one up in stores- they are $7.25 each, which, with getting multiple uses out of it I don't find to be too terrible.
Do you have any favorite Lush products? XOXO
I love the first picture! Your hair looks so perfect all the tie btw, how do you do it?
Oh trust me, it's not, but thank you. Maybe I'll do a tutorial on a few different ways I do my hair while I'm on break.